☰ Edwin Stolk
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Wanted: Talented Municipalities

Wanted: Talented Municipalities 2024

'Wanted: Talented Municipalities 2024' is a publication (in Dutch) in the context of the innovation project Wanted: Talented Municipalities. In this project, artists Edwin Stolk, Cathalijne Smulders and artist collective SETUP, together with the Lobby Lokaal Foundation, DOEN Foundation, the HKU and Platform31, investigate the relationship between artists and municipalities.

de Koer residenten '18-'19

de Koer residenten '18-'19 2020

'de Koer residenten '18-'19' is an issue published by de Koer with texts (in Dutch) about the residencies written by Eva Pot, designed by Jelle Martens.

Basiskamp Entre Nous 2017 - Een humanitaire missie in eigen land

Basiskamp Entre Nous 2017 - Een humanitaire missie in eigen land 2019

'Basiskamp Entre Nous 2017 - Een humanitaire missie in eigen land' (216 p.) inside you can find a visual report by Hristina Tasheva, a review by Nils van Beek and a description of the realization process written by Edwin Stolk (texts are in Dutch).

De Verkenners 2017

De Verkenners 2017

'De Verkenners' is an online publication by Margot van Brakel. It contains an interview with Edwin Stolk 'Art as a social instrument' that was published on the KPN website.

Hotel MariaKapel Book of Ours

Hotel Mariakapel Book of Ours 2016

Hotel Mariakapel Book of Ours HMK | Hotel Mariakapel 2011/12/13 design by Sinds 1416: included is documentation on THE.ORG_office 2011.

Unnoticed Art 2014

Unnoticed Art 2014

Unnoticed Artpublished by artist Frans van Lent and distributed by Jap Sam. This publication contains a description of Couch Grass 2014.

Apogee - A Compilation Of Solitude, Ecology And Recreation 2011

Apogee - A Compilation Of Solitude, Ecology And Recreation 2011

'Apogee - A Compilation Of Solitude, Ecology And Recreation', initiated by Nuans and published by Revolver, ISBN 9783868951165, 368 p, ills colour & bw, 20 x 28 cm, pb, German/English. This publication contains an essay written by Edwin Stolk.

Catalogue: Sandberg Service Show 2011

Catalogue: Sandberg Service Show 2011

Catalogue: Sandberg Service Show 2011, was part of de Verenigde Sandbergen series. Issue: VS069 and designed by Pinar & Viola. Contains a short description of The organisation.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon 2010

Catalogue: Schone Schijn 2010

Catalogue: 'Schone Schijn' an innitiative by Visual Art Manifestation Heemskerk, designed by Maud van Gool. Contains a description of the work 'Hanging Gardens of Babylon 2010'.

War of Currents 2010

Catalogue: Unfair Project 2009

Catalogue: Unfair Project 2009, an initiative by Parachutartists Foundation and de Service Garage, design by Merei Sandbrink/Studio Michiel Schuurman, printed by Rob Stolk. Contains a description of 'War of Currents' 2009.

Biennial Le Havre 2008

Biennial Le Havre 2008

Catalogue: Biennial Le Havre 2008. Contains a description of the video performance 'Investigating Spaces'.

Graduation Kabk 2007

Graduation Kabk 2007

Catalogue: Graduation Kabk 2007 (Royal Academy of Art). Contains a description and images of my artistic practise.