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☰ Edwin Stolk

The organisation
office 11 April - 8 May 2011

This office was realised during my residency at HMK {HotelMariaKapel} where I was researching the possibility to use the available (art) infrastructure in a different way. In a temporary alliance I tried to rearrange the availble potential.

"When different partners manage to think 'out of the box' something special might happen."

During this residency I tried to activate the art space as an infrastructure for social initiatives in the city of Hoorn. I tried to create an 'open office' availble for use by the local people. By doing so, I followed the concept behind #theorganisation that I founded in 2011. It was a test to see how far others were willing to participate in unusual alliances. I was above all looking for a different role for art.

It was an interesting learning process where I found out that it isn’t at all easy to make the right resources available for non commercial, social purposes. The short period of time availble limited my possibilities to connect on a deeper level with initiatives in Hoorn.

This temporary office was a tryout and (amongst others) realized with the kind support of HMK Hotel Mariakapel, Kantoormeubel recycling and budget display located in Hoorn and the help of my wife Hristina Tasheva.

This residency was kindly supported by the Mondriaan Fund.

Best regards, Edwin Stolk

Mondriaan Fund

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