View of:
Kronos Europe NV
in progress 2020 - 2022
'Position 1- View of Kronos Europe NV' is part of the imagination plan entitled 'Mission Dhuicque' and was developed during a working period at Konnektor in the summer of 2020. This concept consists of three interrelated propositions that serve as a basis for a discussion about the social issues surrounding the Langerbrugge power station.
'Position 2 - View of the Langerbrugge Power Station' was part of the side program of the Ghent Light Festival 10 - 14 November.
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The Langerbrugge power station provided the right infrastructure so that companies such as Kronos Europe NV could see the 'light of life' here in the Ghent canal zone. When we look at the degeneration of the power station today, many people point at the negligence of the current owner MG Real Estate.
Although some parties contradict this, I discovered that the chemical company Kronos also contributes to this impasse. This high-risk seveso company makes it difficult to use the heritage in a different way. There are safety risks in particular in the outdoor area. Residents, in turn, express their fear that the power station will eventually rot to the point where the building will be demolished. The 'spectacle' offered resembles a Greek tragedy.
The Langerbrugge-South park area was opened in 2019. The walking paths lead visitors towards the 'Iron Cathedral' - the power station of Langerbrugge. During my research, this area slowly unfolds before my eyes. Here the visual transition from residential area to the industry of the canal zone is carefully directed.
In order to understand the perception of this heritage site, we must be able to face the complexity of this landscape. For 'Position 1', I would therefore like to collaborate with the management of Kronos Europe NV. This company has been safely hidden behind their own (filter cake) landfills for some time now. In my opinion it is important to provide a view of this impressive industrial culture that lays behind these hills.
That is why I am thinking of a 'company presentation' (without sound) in which the imposing structures located directly behind the green buffer can be made public as seen from the air above. A projection in the park area can involve visitors in the complexity of this type of industry. I'm thinking of placing a big screen, with the green landfill as its background. 'Position 1' thus forms the left panel of the intended landscape triptych. The shaping of our culture is a shared responsibility. That is why I would like to examine together the cultural landscape on offer here.
The heritage of the Langerbrugge power station demands our attention. Will you help to celebrate this heritage and raise awareness about its importance and preservation with 'Mission Dhuicque'? I would love to collaborate so please feel free to contact me.
Kind regards, Edwin Stolk

[Idea sketch titled: Position 1 - View of Kronos Europe NV]

[Idea sketch titled: Position 2 - View of the Langerbrugge Power Station at Sunset/View of the Langerbrugge Power Station at Sunrise, 2021]

[Idea sketch titled: Position 3 - View of the former fly ash dumb from the Langerbrugge Power Station]
During my research in 2020 I have been in contact with representatives of the municipality of Evergem, Het agentschap Onroerend Erfgoed, de Vlaamse Vereniging voor Industriële Archeologie, de provincie Oost Vlaanderen, Comeet and the Projectgroep Gentse Kanaalzone. I was reading a thesis about the architect Eugène Dhuicque written by Roos Pauwels at the University of Ghent and studied many (governmental) reports about this area and the companies active in this area. I spoke with the founder and conservator of the former Museum Energeia, with former workers of the power plant and people who are born and raised with the view of this power station. It was special to meet with supporters and opponents of this heritage.
I want to thank everyone for their confidence.
Slide 1 An overview of the three positions of 'Mission Dhuicque'
Slide 2 'Corporate film' shown from garden area Herryville
Slide 3 'Corporate film' shown from the park direction in the coupling area
Gouvernement made this proposal 'Mission Dhuicque' possible during Konnektor and 'Position 1- View of Kronos Europe NV' will be further elaborated with the following partners: (your company, organization, name here?)
'Mission Dhuicque' in the press: HLN het laatste nieuws, AVS, HLN het laatste nieuws, Hullabaloo, ETWIE, BK Informatie
'Mission Dhuicque' follows the concept of #theorganisation
Would you also like to collaborate on this issue? Please do not hesitate to contact me.
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Position 1 | Position 2 | Position 3
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