2024 - 2025
My name is Edwin Stolk and together with others I organize art projects at various locations around social issues.
I am currently working in the municipality of Krimpen aan den IJssel on an artistic research entitled cardio_vision. I am focusing on the long-cherished wish of this municipality to realize a "Heart of Krimpen". The ambition is to give the village center a 'lively' character. There is a center vision plan (2022) and the municipality is taking steps to further develop this. I try to focus on the question of what exactly a "Heart of Krimpen" is or can be with my practice. When a fruitful collaboration gets going, I try to create new meaning with visual interventions.
Below is a mind map of my research.
cardio_vision depends on people that want to think along with a heart for Krimpen aan den IJssel. Don't hesitate to contact me!
My interest at the moment is in stories and situations from the present and the past that are related to this issue: a "Heart of Krimpen". From a broad orientation I zoom in more and more. Think for example of the rich history of the four stone places or the shipbuilding in Krimpen. By researching the local DNA I try to understand the current condition.
The ferry across the IJssel from Capelle to Krimpen fascinates me. This ferry used to be called the gateway to Krimpen. The old situation around the ferry dam interests me. I am researching how this area changed after the ferry was closed down by the construction of the Hollandsche IJsselkering and the Algerabrug, which is also called 'La grande dame' but never became the loving gateway to Krimpen.
I would like to hear more about the old shop owners along the dike and what changed when the new shopping center opened in 1960. What can we learn from this attempt to replace the old with the new through scale enlargement? I wonder out loud how the municipal desire for a central "heart" that is bustling relates to the moon-shaped origin of the ribbon village of Krimpen.
The old cemetery outside the dike has my attention. What place do the people who made Krimpen what it is today have? Then I don't just think of the mayors, but what are the names of those who are buried in the 3rd and 4th class?
Today I notice that decisions from the past have created scar tissue in the built environment of Krimpen. A scar itself may not cause any complaints but it does reduce blood flow. Figuratively speaking, how do you ensure that a new "heart" is accepted by the "body" and not rejected? The average life expectancy after a heart transplant is about 15 years, I read. It reminds me of the once award-winning shopping center Crimpenhof that demands our attention today. What does this mean for the decisions to be made tomorrow?
Also read: my progress reports from Krimpen aan den IJssel on the website of 'Wanted: Talented Municipalities'
This artistic research is part of the innovation lab 'Wanted: Talented Municipalities' with the aim of increasing support among municipalities to work on current challenges together with creative and cultural makers.
Best regards, Edwin Stolk.
cardio_vision in the media:(more info soon)
cardio_vision follows the concept behind #theorganisation
cardio_vision is made possible by Innovationlabs - the Innovation Labs program gives an impulse to new resilience in the cultural and creative sector. The Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie, on behalf of all national cultural funds, and -CLICKNL are implementing the program on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. This project is cofunded by the municipality Krimpen aan den IJssel
Photography Hristina Tasheva, online footage
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