Live Happily
(not realised)
'Live Happily' was a proposal for Incubate 2012. I was invited by curator Merijn Denkers to develop a concept for the 'open source expo'. They wanted to attract at least 200 artists (without payment) to exhibit their work in a large exhibition hall ('koepelhal')
near the city centre of Tilburg.
I imagined the atmosphere of many artworks in this big art venue it would
feel like an art fair. 'Live Happily' used the corporate language
of these fairs to intervene in this exhibition. I was interested in the intentions of the artists who agreed to exhibit
their work in this context.
To start my research from the inside, I proposed to build a booth like the famous coffee brand 'Illy' does in art fair settings. I replaced 'Illy' for the '.ORG'. Refering to 'The organisation' that I founded in 2011 in order to make means and knowledge availble for alternative perspectives.
Part of my proposal was an art prize where 10 candidates were shortlisted for the '.ORG art prize'. The
young talented winner could get besides the honour a sparkling white
'BMW'. A brand that is also often visable on fairs.
the show participating artists would present their statements in this
booth and were interviewed by 'Fontys Hogeschool' students about their intentions
to participate in the exhibition. In the booth were also headsets available which
could take you on a guided tour through the exhibition.
In the
end of June 2012 the preparations for 'Live Happily' were canceled because the promised budget was missing. Other attempts
to gain resources failed. The exhibition of artworks, by more than
200 artists who were not payed for there work, continued without 'Live Happily'. Entrance for this show was free.
In this proposal I wanted to collaborate with 'Fontys University
of Applied Sciences' and local corporations as 'Renova BMW' in Tilburg.
If you wish to be informed on my future activities please subscribe here to my Newsletter.
Best regards, Edwin Stolk.
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